In the work shown here, I push further the pleasure I take in the interaction of vibrant colour and painterly texture. Pared-down shapes in the composition recall solid architectural forms but fragment and dissolve, teasing the eye. Physical decay and destruction of great historic monuments as time passes are implied and at a deeper level I feel the paintings also reflect uncertainties and challenges to comfortable preconceptions that have marked the last years, telling us that history has not ended.
Date: 8 Sept. 2015 at 19.00
Exhibition runs from 8-30 Sept. 2015 (Except 22, 23, 29 Sept.)
On 21 September the artist will discuss her work in a small workshop (held in French).
Le jeudi 21 septembre, Margot inaugure notre nouveau rendez-vous mensuel : “Dans l’atelier de“. Vous pourrez découvrir les coulisses de son travail, parler de ses techniques de peinture, d’expressionnisme, et même échanger des anecdotes sur son exposition ! (workshop gratuit)
Rue Vanderkindere 293
1180 – Bruxelles
Wednesday to Sunday 11:30 AM to 10 PM